Each partner country organized the Mini-Fair of Tourism in the cooperation with local tourism organizations. The aim of this event was to promote the project and disseminate our project results including the promotion of cultural and natural heritage of every partner country - on regional and national level.


As indicated in the application form , the C.A Dalla Chiesa Institute organized a MINI-FAIR of Tourism TRIP in Afragola in the school grounds with the aim of promoting tourism, , partner countries and their cultural heritage on European level. For the above mentioned event the SVETATOUR travel agency and the Scout association have been involved to introduce their activities and products in the field of tourism that is strictly related to the TRIP project. The TRIP travel agency of our school has prepared brochures about the mobilities in the partner countries : Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, Poland , Spain and Slovakia to promote and foster the knowledge of these places. The students have handed booklets advertising the above mentioned topics. This event has given the opportunity to our school to make the local community acquainted with all the Erasmus projects in charge of our school. The Stakeholders involved in the event have been: the Mayor of Afragola, local authorities, headmasters of nearby schools, the SVETATOUR travel agency , the Scout association , families, students and all the school personnel . 

Number of people reached/target groups: 1500


Mini fair TRIP 1
On the 26 of May 2022, the Silale Simonas Gaudesius gymnasium TRIP team started a mini-fair in Silale hospital, where a new department open – day took place. The team not only got acquainted with the new department, where the inhabitants of our region have a possibility to get rehabilitation services but (as quite a lot of people from local organizations and even from the local municipality were invited and participated) promoted the TRIP project, as well as the Erasmus Plus program in general.


On the 13 of June 2022, a TRIP mini-fair took place in our gymnasium as a part of the conference on school projects . The TRIP project was promoted by the team of the gymnasium TRIP agency. They made a presentation to promote activities, in which they took part during mobilities in partner countries. They emphasized the importance of the project, especially the importance of the UNESCO heritage of partner countries they had a possibility to visit. They also made special brochures to promote the project, giving the most important information about the activities done, and skills learned, and during the presentation, they explained the different types of tourism they had a possibility to get acquainted with. Together with Silale local museum, local public library, and local tourist organization, who supported us to implement activities during our LTT prepared an exhibition of local tourist attractions. We prepared some brochures promoting the project, project outputs, and examples of partner countries` cultural heritage. The guests – representatives from the local museum and the local tourist organization prepared some short presentations, as well. 

The number of people reached/target groups: The mini-fair was open to all local stakeholders, as well as the progymnasium and local authorities. At least 100 people visited our exhibition.


On the 31st of May 2022 in ZSO in Nidzica a TRIP Mini-fair of Tourism took place. It was organized as a way to promote the TRIP project and its partner countries (with their cultural and UNESCO heritage) In particular, as well as the Erasmus Plus program in general. With help of our local tourist organization (“Lokalna Organizacja Turystyczna Powiatu Nidzickiego”), our local traditional/folklore-focused NGO “Źródlana Wioska” and our regional town council (“Urząd Miejski w Nidzicy”), who supported us also during the implementation of project activities during our LTT event, we prepared an exhibition of local tourist attractions, as well as project outputs and examples of partner countries’ cultural heritage.

The number of people reached/target groups: The fair was open to all local stakeholders, including other local schools and local authorities. At least 100 people visited our exhibition.


On 27 June 2022, the TRIP Mini-fair of Tourism was held at Institut Guillem Catà’s premises. The TRIP project was promoted with the help of local travel agencies to show the UNESCO heritage of the partner countries. There was a brochure specifically made for the occasion, where information about the different mobilities and activities was given. There was a special emphasis on the skills that students learned and the types of tourism that they worked on.

The number of people reached/target groups: Local schools and education authorities, as well as businessmen, were invited. An attendance of around 70 stakeholders could be estimated, even though over 100 were invited and knew of the event.


The Slovak TRIP travel agency organized a minifair in cooperation with Žilina self-governing region on 04. 06. 2022. During this mini-fair, representatives from teachers and students of Private Secondary Vocational school Pro scholaris were promoting our school travel agency TRIP as well as our school. We presented Erasmus + projects and benefits of joining such a project. We promoted various trips and journeys arranged by our travel agency. We approached different age groups of people distributing leaflets of our TRIP travel agency and chatting about our trips, journeys and activities. We met the president of the self-governing region of Žilina, Ing. Erika Jurinová, vice president RNDR. Peter Dobeš (responsible for tourism in Žilina region), and also Mgr. Monika Kavecká,MHA,MPH who is a politician in National Council of SR. 

Thanks to members from tourism organizations such as Kysucké Museum, Oravské Museum, Považské Museum and Regional Tourism Board we could present the most attractive tourism destinations for the public and the participants could obtain information about special events planned for holiday time. Thank to the Oravské Museum the participants had an opportunity to visit the Orava castle via virtual reality. 

The number of people reached/target groups: There were around 400 people at this event, stakeholders, representatives from several tourism areas, artists, but also students and teachers presenting their schools. This meant a great opportunity for our school to inform wider public about our project activities.


On the 30th of May 2022, the Mini-fair in Turkey was realized. The participants used different apps and modern technologies useful when traveling, they prepared small presents to promote the TRIP project, such as magnets and key chains. Photos were uploaded to the school webpage.

The number of people reached/target groups: There were around 50 people involved from different local schools.